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Saturday, October 27, 2012


Well, the votes were cast....and lovely lady didn't make it! It was one of the most heartbreaking days of our lives so far! We tried to prepare her for the possibility but she didn't take it very well at first. She just quietly walked up to her room after school and broke down in tears. I wasn't exactly sure how to comfort her. We took her to dinner that night to let her know we were still extremely proud of all her accomplishments. She overcame a fear of standing in front of room full of people that she barely knew. She made signs and campaigned all week. In our eyes shes still a winner!  In the end she realized it was a great experience and you can't win em all! She did come in second to a two way tie though! :)

We also completed the light the night walk.  There was a great turn out for such an amazing cause! It was very emotional hearing all of the survival stories and the stories of those who have lost a loved one to this vicious disease. It really makes you appreciate the life you were given. Don't take a single day for granted!
We were so blessed to be able to go there with my mom who is a lymphoma survivor!! Six years Cancer free! prepare for the Frankenstorm!!! Hurricane Sandy is supposed to hit our area pretty good! Us Delawareans aren't really used to big storms so when they are predicted to hit, the stores look like its prep time for the zombie apocalypse!

 Even the Dollar Store had massive lines for batteries!! Schools have already closed for Monday and some for Tuesday! So after our fall fest today we will be coming home to batten down the hatches!! The kids love when we have these once a year threats for storms, we put their mattresses in the basement and camp out all night! Hopefully it won't be too severe, and my heart goes out to all of the families in the Bahamas and surrounding areas who have already lost lives due to this storm.  It really is no laughing matter, and its better to be safe then sorry!

Wishing everyone a safe weekend!! Stay Dry, Take cover, and stock up on water if you're in the areas that are predicted to be hit!! Don't forget about that baby formula and diapers if you have an infant!! Guess this wasn't the best month to give freezer cooking a try! I have $400 worth of frozen meals in my freezer!! Really hoping we don't lose power for too long! Happy Weekend everyone!!

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