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Monday, May 20, 2013


Binders are my new obsession! They are so pretty these days and can help you to organize virtually anything! I'm trying to work up the nerve to post my office pictures on here, but I may have to wait until I have both the before and after pics. Because quite frankly its embarrassing! I'm so ashamed with how ridiculously unorganized it has gotten! I have so many ideas for organizing but I never see any of them through, so every time the paper work in our "organizer" upstairs got filled, we would just unload it in the office. until one day we couldn't quite find the desk today I had the day of from work and I sorted through paper after paper for the entire time the kids were in school (minus the 15 minute staples run.) So 6 hours and $92 later I still have quite a mess! :) But we're getting there. I now have a binder for each member of the family which will hold all important documents like birth certificate, social security card, medical records, car titles, awards, diplomas, etc.
Also, thanks to the AMAZINGLY organized blog I'm creating file folders for school papers for each year of school. I'm still looking for a file box that will work for me, without spending too much money, its pretty tight around this neck of the woods!

I also got binders for things like utilities and mortgage. We've been using the filing cabinet system for a few years not but our filing cabinet is pretty old and like I said I'm binder obsessed right now so I picked a bunch of pretty colors and labeled them up! I may change the labels on them, not sure how I feel about the look at this moment, but that would entail a whole lot of scrubbing that I just don't want to do at this point. :)

I'm pretty excited to see the end result, and hopefully most of these systems will work for me so I can get my life happily organized once and for all! Once I have all of the papers, pens, books, pictures, cables etc. organized I'm going to get a fresh coat of paint on the wall and do a few furniture makeovers and I think I might have myself a Purdy little office. :)
XoXo Kerri XoXo

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