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Monday, January 28, 2013

I've been RePinned!!

I can hardly contain my excitement right now! I know it might sound silly to some, but I feel like I'm on top of the world. I posted my last project (the painted dresser) onto Pinterest and I've been re pinned!!! Not by people I know who are just trying to help me out, but by actual strangers! So far there have only been two repins, but still it actually happened!!! I'm seriously grinning from ear to ear right now. hehe.

In other news....I've been working on recreating that monstrosity I posted last week.  And I made hubby a believer, it still needs some touch up and I'd like to put a finishing glaze on it but I just can't wait any longer to share it!

Not too bad so far!! You can tell there are quite a bit of touch ups needed but I'm thinking shes gonna be a beauty! 

This week is Lovely Lady #2's birthday! She forfeited a birthday party for an ipod touch. And yes she is only Six. Which made it really hard to allow this to happen. So, me being the sucker that I am, still invited people over for a "Birthday Dinner" which in the end will probably end up costing equivalent to a birthday party. But, you only turn Six once, and as long as she doesn't realize that she got both we're okay. Wink Wink.

I'm currently looking into how to properly customize my blog.  I'd like to make it much more easy on the eye, and entertaining.  So if anyone happens upon this and cares to share any tips please do so!! It would make this grin even bigger! :)


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