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Monday, January 28, 2013

I've been RePinned!!

I can hardly contain my excitement right now! I know it might sound silly to some, but I feel like I'm on top of the world. I posted my last project (the painted dresser) onto Pinterest and I've been re pinned!!! Not by people I know who are just trying to help me out, but by actual strangers! So far there have only been two repins, but still it actually happened!!! I'm seriously grinning from ear to ear right now. hehe.

In other news....I've been working on recreating that monstrosity I posted last week.  And I made hubby a believer, it still needs some touch up and I'd like to put a finishing glaze on it but I just can't wait any longer to share it!

Not too bad so far!! You can tell there are quite a bit of touch ups needed but I'm thinking shes gonna be a beauty! 

This week is Lovely Lady #2's birthday! She forfeited a birthday party for an ipod touch. And yes she is only Six. Which made it really hard to allow this to happen. So, me being the sucker that I am, still invited people over for a "Birthday Dinner" which in the end will probably end up costing equivalent to a birthday party. But, you only turn Six once, and as long as she doesn't realize that she got both we're okay. Wink Wink.

I'm currently looking into how to properly customize my blog.  I'd like to make it much more easy on the eye, and entertaining.  So if anyone happens upon this and cares to share any tips please do so!! It would make this grin even bigger! :)


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Raboteur (Dresser)

Bonjour! Intz Hallo! Hola! Aloha! (間) はーい, こんにちは, どうも, やあ(挨拶に使う); おーい; もしもし; おや(注意を引くのに使う. Hello!

The first project I've conquered this year, is the beginning of lovely lady #1's bedroom. As I said in my previous post I was going with an around the world theme. And even with our very low budget, the room is coming along very nicely! Unfortunately we've had some computer and health problems over the past few weeks so it kept me away from blogging about and finishing my project but I have to say I am tickled pink (or green) about this first makeover! One of the first big pieces of her room was her dresser! I LOVE the dresser in her room which was given to us years ago by my mother in law.  It was nothing fancy, just plain off white and pretty boring, but it hold SO MUCH! The drawers are super deep so I never had to worry about stuffing them full and barely being able to close it like some of the other dressers in our home. But again, nothing fancy and quite frankly Very boring. So I decided that was one of the first things that needed a little sprucing.  I've seen the new ombre inspired dresser looks all over pinterest lately. Its where you take a paint swatch and paint each drawer a different shade of whatever color on the swatch.  Super cute! So I spent an hour going through hundreds of swatches and finally decided on a shade of green that I really liked.  After work I ran to the paint store picked up my paint and got right to work, I could not wait to see the final product! As usual my lack of patience got the best of me and I ended up having to do many things over but in the end it looked Ahhhhmazing! It was still missing something though, I wanted it to have more of an around the world look and feel to it so I decided to label the dresser (1.underwear and socks 2. pajamas 3.shirts 4.pants) in french! And I  L*O*V*E it!!! I can't even contain my excitement right now for the grand reveal!
And there you have it folks! From blah to Magnifique! And I can
 not officially say that I am addicted to this whole remodeling of furniture thing! So my current project (aside from completing and revealing around the world themed room) is this enourmous not so beautifully crafted piece of craziness.....

And the mess surrounding it! Hubby sees no potential...I see tons!

Other then that the rest of the month is pretty busy. Lovely Lady # 2 is celebrating her 6th birthday on the 31st! And apparently so are many other people we know! We have tons of parties coming up! She is requesting a snow cone cake so we'll see what I can come up with!

Hope everyone is staying warm!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Baby Steps

Out with the old and in with the new! You have to crawl before you walk and you have to walk before you run. I've spent a lot of my free time over the last weeks on the computer completely consumed in the bloggers world! I've been so envious of so many of these AMAZING people. So creative and talented. I know it takes experience and time to have these amazing blogs and beautifully decorated and organized homes, but I so wish I was Samantha from bewitched right now! I want it all! :) Unfortunately my hubby and I are extremely tight with money at the moment so I have to work with what I have. Which means being even more creative and thinking Wayyyy outside of the box. So project #1 for the New Year is going to be lovely lady #1's bedroom. One of the best things about painting for me is that its 100% FREE :) Mi Madre is the office manager of a commercial paint company in our area so we get all of our house paints free of charge. I was recently introduced to this super addicting app called WANELO (Want Need Love) and while browsing around stumbled across these Adorable pillows from Pottery Barn Teen.
Sadly SanFrancico was the only one they had available! But, it got me thinking about some pretty cool ideas for lovely ladies bedroom. An around the world theme. She tells me all the time that she wants to travel and see the world, so I thought this would be the perfect theme for her. I'm so excited to get started with it! It will most likely take a while since I have a $0 budget at the time, but a little paint can make a world of difference!

I know I've been beating around the bush with almost every project idea I've had, but I've realized that I won't be taken seriously by others until I take myself seriously. So that is part of my 2013 New Years Resolution. To take myself seriously. I need to complete a project when I say I'm going to, I need to hop on that treadmill again tomorrow morning like I've been telling myself to do for weeks, If I want to have an amazing blog one day like all of these other fabulous mommies out there, I HAVE to commit to it! So project number one begins tomorrow! Baby steps....just a little at a time.  I will get there, I will inspire, I will create, I will take myself seriously!

Happy New Year!!!!

"Write it on your heart, that EVERY day is the BEST Day in the year."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson